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Robert (Bob) T. Ott
Seed Grant


Seed Money Grants are intended to provide start-up funding for new programs or initiatives or for the expansion of existing programs. Funded projects must provide direct services to Centre County human services clients or provide a service that will benefit the community at large. The grant will open in June of each calendar year, with the money distributed in January of the following year. 


The deadline for submitting applications is September 30. You will receive a confirmation email that your application was received. The grant year is January 1 through December 31. 

Available Funds

The Seed Grant will distribute up to a total for either one or multiple awardees. The Seed Grant Committee will review the applications and present their recommendation to the CCCHS Board of Directors.  The successful recipient(s) will be announced at the November 2025 Membership Meeting.

Eligible Applicants

All applicants must be individual or organizational members of the Council for Human Services or be sponsored by a Council member. Sponsorship may be obtained by attaching a letter from a Council member, which states the member’s recognition of the applicant’s desire to receive Council seed money. This statement should reflect the member’s knowledge of the applicant’s service programs in order to assist the selection committee in the selection process. All applicants must be a non profit organization.  Requests may come from individual agencies, groups, or as a joint proposal from several agencies/groups—at least one of which must be a Council member. Applicants who are not selected may re-apply next year.

Reporting Requirements

Recipients must submit a brief, written 6-month report by May and a final report by December on the status of the grants to the Grant Committee Chair. Brief updates by grant recipients regarding the status of their program receiving grant monies are required at the June Membership meeting and the November Annual Meeting.  Grants must be expended within one year of receipt unless granted an extension.  If the recipient needs an extension, contact the Seed Grant Committee Chairperson and a recommendation will be made to the Board. Unused funds must be returned to the Centre County Council for Human Services by January. 

How to Apply

All following information MUST be included for application to be complete:

(Please answer each question completely in Word or .pdf format)

1. Cover Sheet

2. Narrative

    a. Description of the program, activity, or initiative to be funded (preferably not expendable items).

   b. Description of community need and how this need will be met by the program.

   c. Estimation of the number of people to be served and proposed impact on the people served.

   d. A projected time frame for start-up and completion of this program.

3. A projected budget for the proposed project (include explanation regarding why funds are not presently available).

4. If the money you are requesting is only a portion of the funds needed for this project, describe how   the remaining funds will be obtained.

5. Annual organization budget information. You do not need to include an audit.

6. Certification of not-for-profit status or tax-exempt number.

7. Sponsor letter of support, if applicable (see Eligible Applicants).


Failure to include all required information will disqualify the application.


Mail application to:  Natalie Depto-Vesey, Bob Ott Seed Grant Chair

                                 Home Nursing Agency Foundation

                                 20 Sheraton Drive

                                 Altoona, PA  16601

Or email at:

Robert T. Ott Seed Grant Application Timeline


June 30                Application Period Open

September 30     Application due to Seed Grant Committee Chair by midnight

October 1-18       Application review by Seed Grant Committee

October 26          Committee recommendations to CCCHS Board for approval

November 1        Seed Grant Awardee(s) announced at the CCCHS Annual Meeting

January 1             Beginning of Grant period

May 31                 Mid-Year written report due by Grantee(s)

June 1                  Update by Grantee(s) at CCCHS monthly membership meeting

November           A detailed presentation by Grantee(s) at CCCHS Annual Meeting

December 31      End of Grant period.  Final written report due to Seed Grant Committee Chair

January 31           Any un-spent grant monies due back to CCCHS



If you have any question, please contact Natalie Depto-Vesey at (814) 947-7027 or

How to Apply to Seed Grant

Past Awardees


Park Forest Pre-School-HEPA air filters for the children’s classrooms-$806.90

Mid-State Literacy Council-recruit/train GED math volunteers- $2,193.10



Centre Helps -Vehicle Emergency repair-$4,280

Bridge of Hope-Freezer Meal Prep for single parents-$720



Centre Helps – ASIST Program-$1,400

 Tides, Inc.-$1,400;  

Mid-State Literacy Council-$1,400

Grief Connection, Inc.-$772



 CACJ Centre Co. Community Conferencing - $2,250

 Centre Helps Basic Needs Program - $2,000 

Centre County Parks and Recreation - $750



Centre County Senior Center Coalition- $4,950



 Centre County RSVP VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) Program - $2,500

 Centre Volunteer in Medicine - $2,500



Centre Chapter of the PA Prison Society -$3,000



Nurse-Family Partnership Program of Centre County-$2,274.03



 Jana Marie Foundation-$1,725.97



Housing Transitions-$2,200



Tides Program-$1,000



State College Area Food Bank-$1,000

Global Connections-$5,380 



 Center Volunteers in Medicine-$3,616.40 and Moshannon Valley YMCA-$1,383.57



Youth Service Bureau-$6,000

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